Education support and advice
With experience in teaching, heading departments, mentoring and coaching teachers and teacher training we can offer a range of bespoke services to support staff in schools. With the reduction in LEA support, project-based support can be a cost-effective alternative for individual schools or academy chains. We can offer advice and support in the following areas:
- Head of Department Induction and development
- Assessment and reporting
- Curriculum design and planning
- Creating department handbooks
- Populating VLEs and MLEs
- Data handling
- Standards reviews and self-evaluation frameworks
- Staff review and professional development
- Transitioning from ICT to computer science
- English teaching projects:
- Literacy across the curriculum
- Reading as a whole school activity
- Teaching Shakespeare for enjoyment and examination
- Teaching poetry for enjoyment and examination
- Introducing IB English
- Supporting, mentoring and coaching struggling teachers
- Staff retention
- Trouble-shooting projects